Saturday, May 12, 2012


Export Coaching Course Home decoration/ Home textiles (HD/HT)

For companies in Tanzania [1] that want to market their Home decoration and Home textiles products in Europe, USA and Asia KAKOLAKI Small WORLD is offering assistance through a very practical Export Coaching Course.  The course is run by trainers whose extensive knowledge and networks throughout the Tanzania guarantee high quality, specialized and up-to-date content. As an approved participant, you will receive individual support by means of on, training schemes, market information, trade fair participation and business to business activities, Depending on its specific needs, your company also receives support in the field of business development, certification and market entry

What is the objective of this programme?
To assist companies in obtaining a firm and lasting position on the WORLD markets for Home product(ion) improvement

KAKOLAKI small WORLD is agency to provide information about different activities we are doing  and one of its activity is being The Centre for the Promotion of Exports/Imports contributes to sustainable economic development in Tanzania through the expansion of export from this country. Our goals are to strengthen the international competitive capacity of exporters by developing the export-related knowledge and skills of entrepreneurs and by helping exporters enter the WORLD market. We also organise effective business.
Description of the various modules of the programme:
Module: Business Development      Tshs,- (To be determined by KAsWO if necessary) Once an action plan is developed, the next step will be  the development of your business. You will receive technical assistance from one of the KAsWO experts, who provides your business with the needed skills/ knowledge in the field of Production flow, Costing and Pricing, Accounting systems, Product development and HRM. At the end of this module your company is professionalised and capable to make solid choices with regard to market development strategies

Module: Export Capacity Building               Tshs,-
After the first audit, the external sector expert  and the company will work together to solve all possible problems, choose an export-product and find solutions for technical problems. However, the main focus of this module is to gain sufficient knowledge of The WORLD markets and exporting marketing skills..  Relevant export marketing and management subjects as well as more product related subjects will be covered through lectures, cases and assignments. The main objective of this seminar is to further prepare the participants for entering and dealing with the WORLD market.

Module: Certification     Tshs,-             (to be determined by KAsWO if necessary)                                  
The focus within this modules is on certification processes. Your company will learn how to obtain a certificate that is necessary for accessing the WORLD market and which will increase your market opportunities. KAsWO offers co- financing, expertise and support in order for you to obtain the certificate.
Module: Market entry Regional Tshs,-
The objectives in this module are to establish contacts with potential business partners in their region and to gather further information on the WORLD market (market research). This is achieved by collective presentation of Tanzania at the trade fairs WORLDWIDE and by promoting individual business links. Turning business contacts, established at a fair or as a result of B2B matchmaking activities, into durable business relations is the main goal. KAsWO will be instrumental in this process as much as possible, by giving follow-up support and/or further technical assistance.
KAsWO Programme Manager: 
Tel: +255 753 155 398/ 657 377880